Thursday, April 28, 2011

stupid gal-even more stupid boy

Let me a share an old tale..once upon a time, a girl came from quite a far a away place to this new town and she met this boy. NO, it did not get any cheesy..they just became good friends. They meet each other every day not like a date sort but it is plainly because they were working together. One day, the boy got a girl friend. She is like the talk of the town and of course like every other guy, the opportunity was too good to resist. He was in could 9 and hey, y are we only talking about the guy now? Wat about the girl? The one we talked about way earlier?? Well, like everybody else, he forgot her. He did think about..very liltle, only when he needed her. Now, we are getting somewhere aren’t we? One day, while the girl and the boy were talking, accidentally the girl said something about the boy’s girl friend. She said it in a very casual manner but the buy took it very seriously. The issue was not even big but since they boy shouted at her for talking about her gf, the girl was very offended. She could not believe that her good friend actually shouted at her like that for a small issue, something in her own opinion not an issue at all. Not only that, he actually ‘published’ this incident publicly but of course, he did not mention that person’s name and he think it is perfectly alright to do that. Now you tell me, if u r in da boy’s place what would you do? and if u r in gal’s place wat would u do? It sounds like a very lame, everyday story rite, but it is not. The gal was really very hurt, really hurt. I think it is da fact that she liked da boy so much and she could not accept the fact that he actually shouted at her, da person whom he knew longer for a gal who just newly came to her life. But then again it is all fair in love right. he loves his gf..but the gal, is just another fren. Well, that is it I guess…she could not forgive him and he does not seem to be bothered. Anyways, life has to go on right 